====== Map Suite Web For MVC Edition Features & Bug Fixes Change Log ====== =====Version 10.6.0===== Release date: 11/28/2019 ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Mvc Namespace: * Fixed a bug that OverlayType of AdornmentOverlay can't be found. {{page>Map_Suite_Core_10.6_Features_Bug_Fixes_Change_Log}} =====Version 10.5.0===== Release date: 04/01/2019 ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Mvc Namespace: * Enhanced to rename ThinkGeoCloudMapsOverlay to ThinkGeoCloudRasterMapsOverlay and ThinkGeoCloudMapsMapType to ThinkGeoCloudRasterMapsMapType * Enhanced to support ThinkGeoCloudMapsOverlay in script * Fixed a bug that default ThinkGeo Cloud Maps server URLs need get updated * Fixed a bug that default projection of XYZ layer is incorrect, now it's "EPSG:900913" {{page>Map_Suite_Core_10.5_Features_Bug_Fixes_Change_Log}} =====Version 10.4.0===== Release date: 12/10/2018 ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Mvc Namespace: * Added new class ThinkGeoCloudMapsOverlay to support new ThinkGeo Cloud Map * Enhanced to use more accurate exception information * Fixed an bug failed to load Microsoft.SqlServer.Types assembly in certain scenario {{page>Map_Suite_Core_10.4_Features_Bug_Fixes_Change_Log}} =====Version 10.3.0===== Release date: 7/26/2018 ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Mvc Namespace: {{page>Map_Suite_Core_10.3_Features_Bug_Fixes_Change_Log}} =====Version 10.2.0===== Release date: 10/27/2017 ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Mvc Namespace: {{page>Map_Suite_Core_10.2_Features_Bug_Fixes_Change_Log}} =====Version 10.1.0===== Release date: 06/21/2017 ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Mvc Namespace: {{page>Map_Suite_Core_10.1_Features_Bug_Fixes_Change_Log}} =====Version 10.0.0===== Release date: 02/16/2017 Map Suite 10.0 New Features: * Remove the merge module and move the required assemblies to specific package. * Core APIs are shared across all Map Suite product line. * Map Suite Products are hosted on NuGet server instead of Map Suite Installer. * Simplify Map Suite License Strategy. * Split MapSuiteCore 9.0 assembly by functionality. It allows to import necessary assemblies to such projects. * BareBone NuGet Package for Map Suite products allows to create app with minimum size. * Standard NuGet Package for Map Suite products allows to transfer user's existing 9.0 projects to 10.0 easier. ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Mvc Namespace: * Fixed a bug when highlighting the selected feature. * Fixed a bug that the popup close button is unable to click if AdornmentOverlay is added. * Fixed an exception when moving a DraggableMarker. * Fixed a bug that sets projection for ArcGISServerRestOverlay. * Fixed a bug that visible of marker is in inoperative. * Reduced the markers' size when there is no rotation. {{page>Map_Suite_Core_Features_Bug_Fixes_Change_Log}} \\ \\ ** The following was created before Map Suite 10. Map Suite 10 organized many classes into new namespaces and assemblies as well as had a few minor breaks in compatibility. The majority of previously built code should work without modification assuming the new namespaces are added. For guidance on upgrading your existing code check out this wiki article. http://wiki.thinkgeo.com/wiki/map_suite_10_upgrade_guide ** \\ \\ =====Version Release date: 06/24/2015 ThinkGeo.MapSuite.MvcEdition Namespace: *Fixed a bug where the backgroud color is missed when calling PrintMap() method. *Fixed a bug where it's unable to zoom in/out with IE8 if an AdormentOverlay is added to the map. *Fixed a bug where some configurations of HighlightOverlay on server side is not passed to client side. *Fixed a bug where it's unable to disable the Google or any other third part JavaScript libraries. *Created a single JS file “thinkgeo.mvc.min.js” for client JavaScript library to improve loading performance. *Changed loading strategy of SimpleMarkerOverlay and Popups from once initialization to dynamically request. *Added support of ModelBinding on map control. *Changed the strategy of popups loading from first load initialization to ajax loading. ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core Namespace: *Fixed a bug where there are something wrong with parsing the namespace of WMS capabilities file. *Fixed a bug where the EcwRasterLayer runs into memory leak exception. *Fixed a bug where the GetBoundingBoxCore method of MsSqlFeatureSource runs into exception. *Updated the unmanaged Proj4 dependency to the latest version 4.8. *Fixed a bug where ECW file path name is case-sensitive. *Added a new class of ScaleLinePrinterLayer to print scale lines. *Added new class of ScaleTextAdornmentLayer to Map Suite Core. *Added a new class of ScaleTextPrinterLayer to print scale text. *Fixed a bug where there are something wrong with initializing the omerc projection. *Fixed a bug where the Dispose method of UnmanagedProj4Projection runs into exception. *Fixed a bug where selecting LabelPrinterLayer runs into exception. *Fixed a bug where MrsidRasterLayer runs into memory leak problem. *Fixed a bug where the Jpeg2000RasterSource runs into memory leak issue. *Fixed a bug where it runs into exception when building the index of KmlLayer. *Fixed a bug that the deployed version of WebEddition, MvcEdition, SilverlightEdition and WmsEdition runs into “Unlicensed for runtime” . *Added new API for changing the color of Grid lines in ScaleBarAdormentLayer. *Fixed a bug where the WmtsLayer runs into exception, as the code of clearing the tile matrix is incorrect. *Added support of requesting tiles using UrlTemplate of resource URL in WmtsLayer. *Fixed a bug where reading Shapefile runs into exception if the decimal length of DBFColumn is bigger than 15. *Fixed a bug where the IsolineLayer runs into exception sometimes when IsolineType is ClosedAsPolygon. *Fixed a bug where the scales of tile matrix in WmtsLayer on server side are different from the ones on client side. *Fixed a bug where KmlLayer runs into exception when loading KML file with the encrypted dlls. *Enhancement OracleFeatureSource, only create one assembly instance. *Fixed a bug where the MagneticNorthLineStyle cannot be serialized. *Fixed a bug where the drawn tile images are mismatch each other when applying FileBitmapTileCache. *Added more projection support to WMTS besides the support of EPSG:3857 and EPSG:4326. *Fixed a bug where it returns incorrect class breaks if there is only one ClassBreak item in ClassBreakStyle. *Fixed a bug where the GridFeatureSource generates Gridfile with CurrentCulture but Read GridFile with InviriantCulture. *Fixed a bug where the scales of cached tiles are incorrect if OpenStreetMapLayer works with MultiThread mode. *Fixed a bug where it runs into exception when initializing the TileCache of OpenStreetMapLayer as null. *Fixed a bug where it runs into exception if the readed KML file includes the bool values. *Fixed a bug where the height of LegendAdormentLayer/LegendPrinterAdormentLayer is incorrect when the ResizeMode is Fixed. *Fixed a bug where there are something wrong with CodeGenerator. *Improved performance of drawing GraticuleAdornmentLayer. *Changed the default value of LegendContentResizeMode to Fixed. *Fixed bug that WMS don't parse response XML which describe error information. *Fixed bug GetWellKnownText for lineshape haven't been convert to Invariant Culture. *Remove toUpper for whereClause of MsSql2008FeatureLayer. *Fixed a bug where the ClientId and PrivateKey of GoogleMapsLayer doesn't work with SingleTile. *Improved the GeoCoderGenerator. *Added support of support custom spatial index name in mssqlfeaturelayer. *Fixed a bug where the request tile size is not equal to the size of map with SingleTile. *Fixed a bug where the method GetAllMapShape of KmlFeatureLayer runs into exception. *Improved the IsoLine result generated by removing the holes at the center of IsonLine. *Added the embedded TAB style support. *Fixed a bug where ProjectionFromSphericalMercator property doesn't work. *Added Attribution to all layers and Overlays. *Fxied a bug where the MagneticDeclinationAdornmentLayer runs into memory issue. *Added the new API SetWellKnownBinary(byte[] wkb) to Feature class to allow changing the WKB of the feature. *Improved the performance of method byte[] ShapeFile.ReadPolygon(byte[] dataBytes, int startIndex). *Removed the using JTS in Feature to Shape conversion(BaseShape.FromWellKnownBinary, BaseShape.CreateShapeFromWellKnownData). *Added enhancements to OpenStreetMapLayer and OpenStreetMapOverlay to make sure the exception can be thrown out. *Added Leader Lines. *Enhanced the Best Placement algorithm. *Added an Abbreviation Dictionary. For example, add "University" with "Univ" to the Abbreviation Dictionary and "University" will be abbreviated when displayed. *Added Max Nudging parameter to specify how far a label can be moved. *The unit for Drawing Margin is now pixels instead of percentage. *Geohashing APIs - Allows sorting of GeoFeatures for performance gains. Shapefiles of features that are in proximity are stored on the same section of the disk. *Standard color access for Geocolors, brushes, and pins has been streamlined. *New Projection API to find local UTM Zone for any feature. No longer need to look up UTM Zone manually. *Added ability to save and import style files from GIS Editor to Map Suite. *One-way road line style now available. *More filter conditions added for RegEx. It is now simpler to use. *Added R-Tree Indexing for KML feature layers. *Gave ability to modify well-known binary on a feature. Now possible to directly access and modify WKB. *Can now add column value data without defining it up front to Map Shapes and Edit Shapes. *Added Boundary Solution Parcel feature layer. *Created new APIs for accurate measurements regardless of projection. *Enhanced Tile Cache - new APIs allow expiration by size, date, etc. *Created Well Known Binary feature layer type for better performance, especially on Android and iOS. *New Printing APIs allow switching between page and world coordinates. *ScaleBar and ScaleLine - can set a text style to control the font and look. =====Version Release date: 11/17/2014 ThinkGeo.MapSuite.MvcEdition Namespace: *Fixed a bug where some properties are not configured correctly on client side for HightlightOverlay. *Fixed a bug where the property of "IsDefaultJavascriptLibraryDisabled" doesn't take effect. *Fixed a bug where it's unable to zoom In/Out in IE8 if adornment layer is added. *Fixed a bug where the backgroud color is missed when calling PrintMap() method. ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core Namespace: *Fixed a bug where the Dispose method of UnmanagedProj4Projection runs into exception. *Fixed a bug where the MrsidRasterLayer runs into Memory leak problem. *Fixed a bug where the MagneticDeclinationAdornmentLayer runs into exception. *Fixed a bug where the requested tile size is not correct under single-thread mode. *Fixed a bug where selecting LabelPrinterLayer runs into exception. *Resolve issue that MagneticNorthLineStyle cannot be serialized. *Fixed a bug where it runs into exception when calling GetAllMapShapes of KmlFeatureLayer *Fixed a bug where the drawn tile image is dismatch each other with FileBitmapTileCache. *Fixed a bug where it returns incorrect class breaks if there is only one ClassBreak item in ClassBreakStyle. *Fixed a bug where the Jpeg2000RasterLayer runs into memory leak exception. *Fixed a bug where the scale of the cached tiles is incorrect if the OpenStreetMapLayer is used with MultiThread mode. *Fixed a bug where make the tile matrix of WMTSlayer matchs between client and server scales. *Added support of parsing the WMS services whose compabilties file following the namespaces with "SM" prefix. *Fixed a bug where WMTSLayer runs into exception, because of clearing the tile matrix at wrong place. *Added the support of getting tiles from UrlTemplate of Resource url in WMTSlayer. *Fixed a bug where the EcwRasterLayer runs into memory leak exception. *Fixed a bug where the EcwRasterLayer is case sensitive to the file path name. *Added attribution "© ThinkGeo © OpenStreetMap contributors" to WorldMapKit overlay/layer. *Fixed a bug where there is a delay of tiles when dragging the map very fast under MultiThread. *Fix a bug where KmlLayer runs into exception when loading KML file with the encrypted dlls. *Fixed a bug where the height of LegendAdormentLayer/LegendPrinterAdormentLayer is incorrect when the ResizeMode is Fixed. *Made the default value of LegendContentResizeMode to Fixed. *Improved performance of drawing GraticuleAdornmentLayer. *Fixed a bug where it's unable to use ClientId and PrivateKey when using SingleTile with GoogleMapsLayer. *Improved the GeoCodeGenerator. *Fixed a bug where it runs into exception if the readed KML file includes the bool values. =====Version Release date: 06/06/2014 ThinkGeo.MapSuite.MvcEdition Namespace: *Fixed a bug where it's unable to create markeroverlay in controller. *Added supported to hide the default Markeroverlay in OverlaySwitcher. *Fixed a bug where the db connection is never closed in oraclefeaturelayer. *Fixed a bug where the attribution control covers the other elements in map. *Upgraded the Openlayers used in MvcEdition from 2.11 to 2.13.1. *Fixed a bug where client function Map1.getMarkerOverlay returns null. ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core Namespace: *Fixed a bug that will through exception when the table in filegdb has no geometry column. *Fixed A Bug that will make features inserted into oracle table not able to be read. *Improved memory management when getting geotif world extent. *Fixed the bug where the KeyColors property doesn't take effect. *Fixed a bug where the OracleFeatureLayer shows incorrect result if the data contains 3D geometries. *Fixed a bug where using feature id as the ID column value when inserting a new feature into Oracle table. *Did the enhancements to GraticuleAdormentLayer. *Fixed a bug where something wrong with the font size after printing to PDF. *Added support of new Dbf format(30H), a kind of Foxpro Dbf format. *Fixed a bug where the installer's repair option doesn't work correctly. *Fixed a bug where the TranslateByDegree method returns incorrect result. *Added the support of Date column type in FileGdbTable. *Fixed a bug where there are some memory leak in reading ECW File. *Fixed a bug where the GoogleMapsLayer works incorrectly with single-tile mode. *Fixed a bug where it runs into exception when the customized layers are working with multi-thread mode. *Improved the memory usage in FileGeoDatabase if it contains Blob column types. *Fixed a bug where it's unable to get the correct boundingBox from the server's reply by calling GetCapability in WmsRasterSource. *Fixed a bug where the "GetAllFeatures" method in FileGeoDatabaseFeatureLayer ignores some invalid features. *Fixed a bug where the GoogleMapsLayer dismatches with overlapped shapfilelayer when the compurter's dpi is changed. *Fixed a bug where reading the GeoTif WorldFile. *Added an exception when adding a column type which is not supported by FileGDB. *Fixed a bug where the line shape always covers the point shape in maprinterlayer. *Improved the method "GetTableNames" in "FileGeoDatabaseFeatureLayer" to get the tables in FeatureDatasets. *Fixed a bug where the oracle connection in OracleFeatureSource keeps going up following the time. *Fixed a bug where there are some confilicts between System.Data.OracleClient.OracleType And Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDbType. *Fixed a bug where the GetTableNames method in "FileGeoDatabaseFeatureLayer" returns incorrect type. *Removed the API key from Google layer. *Fixed a bug that Unmanaged Dependencies installers does not include all the necessary dlls for the FileGeodatabase class. *Fixed an issue that OnGeoserializing method was called but OnGeoserialized method wan't because it's a duplicate object. *Fixed A Bug in Pointshape.TranslateByOffset(). *Fixed A Bug that will make the wmtslayer not correctly displayed after upgrading to 7.0. *Fixed bug ArgumentException thrown in InMemoryBitmapTileCache. *Fixed A Bug for EcwRasterLayer that is caused by cultureinfo. *Fixed A Bug that will creat wrong Graticule Line for the map. *Added support to projection “Rijksdriehoekstelsel_New”. *Fixed a bug where the rtree removed an unexpected record. *Added functionality to refresh a set of regions on Overlay and Map. *Fixed an bug where something wrong with loading CadFeatureLayer. *Add the support that NTS doesn't support the union function. *Added GetFeaturesByIds support in TinyGeoFeatureSource. *Added ContentResizeMode property to LegendAdormentLayerto support the size of legenditem can be changed based on the AdormentCanvas size. *Added Blob type support in FileGeodatabase. *Upgraded the PostgreSqlFeatureLayer to the latest version to support new version of Npgsql Driver. *Fixed a bug where it runs into exception when re-open an not-existed file in ShapeFileFeatureLayer. *Fixed a bug of ConvertToInternalProjectionCore method in Proj4Projection. *Added an ExecuteSqlQuery and CanExecuteSqlQuery methods to QueryTools and to FeatureSource. *Did some enhancements to overrided method in sub-classes of FeatureSource. *Did some enhancements to the GetBoundingBoxCore() of OLEDBFeatureSource. *Supported adding more than 10 longer column to .dbf file. *Fixed a bug where TabFeatureSource.GetFeaturesByColumnValue() doesn't work correctly sometimes. *Added fixed size mode support of the legend item in printerlayer when dragging the legend. *Added support to allow customer to set the roatition center for rotation projection. *Added the Native Support of S-57 Maritime Charts. *Added the Native Support of GPX (GPS EXchange Format). *Fixed a bug where GetFeaturesInsideBoundingBox in InMemoryFeaureSource runs into exception after calling InternalFeatures.Add. *Fixed a bug where there is a conflict between System.Data.OracleClient.OracleType And Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDbType. *Fixed a bug where there are some memory leak in GeoTiffRasterSource. *Fixed a bug where OpenStreetMapLayer runs into "index out of bounds" exception. *Added the native support of TobinBas file format. *Improved the memory usage in EcwRasterLayer to make sure it doesn't grow up quickly. *Fixed a bug where the Pointshape in GeometryCollectionShape could not be drawn by pointstyle. *Added native support of KML file format. *Fixed a bug where the numeric format don't work with point style. *Added support of Visual FoxPro format DbaseFile. *Fixed a bug where GetIsoFeatures method of IsoLineLayer returns an unexpected rectangle. *Added support of ROD unit in Jeffersonian. *Fixed a bug where it runs into exception when the latitude is larger than 180 under wrapdataline mode. *Improved the performance of WmsRasterLayer. *Added support of latin letters in Geoserializer. *Added the Native Support for .dwg and .dxf (CAD support). *Added support of WellPointStyle. *Fixed a bug where that something wrong with reading the WorldFile of some raster images because of culstureinfo. *Fixed a bug where there is a lacune in raster tiles. *Fixed a bug where creating wrong request URI with privatekey and client id for googlelayer. *Added support of GPX format. *Added projection support for CadFeatureSource. *Fixed the bug where GoogleMap reports 403 error if using the default constructor. *Added support of custom static map service based on Openstreetmap. *Fixed a bug that accessing BoundingboxUnit of wmtsTileMatrix will run into infinity loop. *Fixed a bug where there is a white line if WmtsLayer works with projection in meter. *Fixed a bug where it runs into error when labeling if ShapeFileFeatureSource is in the status of TransactionBuffer.EditBuffer. *Added support of Collate Sensitive in SqlServer2008FeatureSource. *Improved the performance of TiledWmsRasterSource by decreasing the count of request tiles. *Fixed a bug where the geoserializer doesn't support latin letters. *Fixed a bug where it runs into "projection is not opened" exceptions in some cases. *Fixed a bug where NTS doe