====== Map Suite Mobile for iOS Release Change Log Version 10.0.0 ======

ThinkGeo.MapSuite.iOS, Version=10.0.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null


namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.iOSEdition {


    public class AdornmentOverlay : Overlay, IDisposable {

        public GeoCollection<AdornmentLayer> GeoCollection Layers { get; }


        public Boolean ShowLogo { get; set; }




    public class EditInteractiveOverlay : InteractiveOverlay {

        public InMemoryFeatureLayer SelectedControlPointLayer { get; }




    public class LayerOverlay : TileOverlay {

        public GeoCollection<Layer> GeoCollection Layers { get; }




    public abstract class MapTool : UIView {

        protected virtual void Finalize();




    public class MapTools : GeoCollection : GeoCollection<MapTool>, INotifyCollectionChanged, INotifyPropertyChanged {



    public class MapView : UIView {

        public GeoCollection<InteractiveOverlay> GeoCollection InteractiveOverlays { get; }

        public GeoCollection<Overlay> GeoCollection Overlays { get; }




    public class MarkerOverlay : Overlay, IDisposable {

        public GeoCollection<Marker> GeoCollection Markers { get; }


        public GeoCollection<Marker> GetMarkersForDrawing(RectangleShape boundingBox);


        protected virtual GeoCollection<Marker> GetMarkersForDrawingCore(RectangleShape boundingBox);


        public GeoCollection GetMarkersForDrawing(void boundingBox);

        protected virtual GeoCollection GetMarkersForDrawingCore(void boundingBox);




    public class OpenStreetMapOverlay : TileOverlay {

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This constructor is obsoleted and will be removed in or after version 10.0. Please use OpenStreetMapOverlay() instead.")]

        public OpenStreetMapOverlay(GeoWebProxy webProxy);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. Please use TileCache instead as following code:                     openStreetMapOverlay.TileCache = new FileBitmapTileCache(CacheDirectory);")]

        public String CacheDirectory { get; set; }

        protected override void CloseCore();

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsoleted and will be removed in or after version 10.0. WebRequest is not used for requesting web images in this class.")]

        protected virtual void OnSendingWebRequest(SendingWebRequestEventArgs e);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsoleted and will be removed in or after version 10.0. WebRequest is not used for requesting web images in this class.")]

        protected virtual void OnSentWebRequest(SentWebRequestEventArgs e);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsoleted and will be removed in or after version 10.0. this property used to wrap another property on OpenStreetMapLayer, while it is not used now. Please use TileCache property instead.")]

        public BitmapTileCache ProjectedTileCache { get; set; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsoleted and will be removed in or after version 10.0. this property used to wrap another property on OpenStreetMapLayer, while it is not used now. Please use TileCache property instead.")]

        public Projection ProjectionFromSphericalMercator { get; set; }

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This event is obsoleted and will be removed in or after version 10.0. WebRequest is not used for requesting web images in this class.")]

        public event EventHandler<SendingWebRequestEventArgs> SendingWebRequest;

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This event is obsoleted and will be removed in or after version 10.0. WebRequest is not used for requesting web images in this class.")]

        public event EventHandler<SentWebRequestEventArgs> SentWebRequest;

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This property is obsoleted and will be removed in or after version 10.0. WebProxy is not support for retrieving web images.")]

        public GeoWebProxy WebProxy { get; set; }




    public abstract class Overlay : IDisposable {

        protected override void Finalize();


        [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. Please use Refresh(RectangleShape extentToRefresh, TimeSpan bufferTime, RequestDrawingBufferTimeType bufferTimeType) instead.")]

        public void Refresh(RectangleShape extentToRefresh, TimeSpan bufferTime, BufferTimeType bufferTimeType);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. Please use Refresh(TimeSpan bufferTime, RequestDrawingBufferTimeType bufferTimeType) instead.")]

        public void Refresh(TimeSpan bufferTime, BufferTimeType bufferTimeType);

        [ObsoleteAttribute("This method is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 10.0. Please use Refresh(IEnumerable<RectangleShape> extentsToRefresh, TimeSpan bufferTime, RequestDrawingBufferTimeType bufferTimeType) instead.")]

        public void Refresh(IEnumerable<RectangleShape> extentsToRefresh, TimeSpan bufferTime, BufferTimeType bufferTimeType);




    public class PopupOverlay : Overlay, IDisposable {

        public GeoCollection<Popup> GeoCollection Popups { get; }




    public class TileView : UIImageView {

        public GeoImage CGNativeImage ImageSource { get; set; }


        protected virtual override void Dispose(Boolean disposing);



    [ObsoleteAttribute("This class is obsolete and might be removed in or after Version 11.0. Please use WorldStreetsAndImageryOverlay class instead.")]


    public class WorldMapKitOverlay : TileOverlay {




    public class WorldStreetAndImageryOverlay : TileOverlay {

        public WorldStreetAndImageryOverlay();

        public WorldStreetAndImageryOverlay(WebProxy webProxy);

        public WorldStreetAndImageryOverlay(String clientId, String privateKey);

        public WorldStreetAndImageryOverlay(WebProxy webProxy, String clientId, String privateKey);


        public Int32 TimeoutInSeconds { get; set; }

        public String ClientId { get; set; }

        public String PrivateKey { get; set; }

        public WebProxy WebProxy { get; set; }

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryMapType MapType { get; set; }

        public WorldStreetsAndImageryProjection Projection { get; set; }


        public event EventHandler<SendingWebRequestEventArgs> SendingWebRequest;

        public event EventHandler<SentWebRequestEventArgs> SentWebRequest;


        protected override void DrawTileCore(GeoCanvas geoCanvas, TileView tile);

        protected override RectangleShape GetBoundingBoxCore();

        protected override TileView GetTileCore();

        protected override TileMatrix GetTileMatrix(Double scale, Int32 tileWidth, Int32 tileHeight, GeographyUnit boundingBoxUnit);

        protected override void InitializeCore(MapArguments mapArguments);

        protected virtual void OnSendingWebRequest(SendingWebRequestEventArgs e);

        protected virtual void OnSentWebRequest(SentWebRequestEventArgs e);



    public class BingMapsTileOverlay; //removed

    public class CGGeoCanvas; //removed

    public class CGNativeImage; //removed

    public class GoogleMapsTileOverlay; //removed

    public class OpenStreetMapTileOverlay; //removed

} //end of namespace ThinkGeo.MapSuite.iOSEdition
