====== Map Suite Mobile For Android Features & Bug Fixes Change Log ====== =====Version 10.6.0===== Release date: 11/28/2019 ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Android Namespace: * Fixed a bug that the MaximumScale and MinimumScale don't works for ZoomIn and ZoomOut function. * Fixed a bug that the disposed image is used for drawing and throw exception. * Added SendingWebRequest and SentWebRequest event handle for ThinkGeoCloudMapsOverlay. * Removed DrawThinKGeoCloudVectorTile method from ThinkGeoCoudVectorMapsOverlayer. * Removed SetTileMatrix method and added "MaxExtent" property for TileOverlay. {{page>Map_Suite_Core_10.6_Features_Bug_Fixes_Change_Log}} =====Version 10.5.0===== Release date: 04/01/2019 ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Android Namespace: * Added support of new class ThinkGeoCloudVectorMapsOverlay to consume Vector Tiles from ThinkGeo Cloud * Enhanced to support sending web request event and sent web request event for ThinkGeoCloudMapsOverlay * Enhanced to support sending web request event and sent web request event for WmsOverlay * Enhanced to support high resolution for ThinkGeoCloudMapsOverlay * Enhanced to support GetThreadSafetyLevelCore Logic to make it works just like other product * Enhanced to rename ThinkGeoCloudMapsOverlay to ThinkGeoCloudRasterMapsOverlay and ThinkGeoCloudMapsMapType to ThinkGeoCloudRasterMapsMapType * Fixed a bug that default ThinkGeo Cloud Maps server URLs need get updated {{page>Map_Suite_Core_10.5_Features_Bug_Fixes_Change_Log}} =====Version 10.4.0===== Release date: 12/10/2018 ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Android Namespace: * Added new class ThinkGeoCloudMapsOverlay to support new ThinkGeo Cloud Map * Enhanced to use more accurate exception information * Enhanced to support SQLite in Android 8.0 * Fixed a bug the ThinkGeoCloudMapsOverlay generate incorrect route in certain scenario * Fixed a bug the ThinkGeoCloudMapsOverlay throw transition effect issue in certain scenario {{page>Map_Suite_Core_10.4_Features_Bug_Fixes_Change_Log}} =====Version 10.3.0===== Release date: 7/26/2018 ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Android Namespace: *Supported Sqlite in Android 8.0 *Fixed a bug that application doesn't respond when quickly pan *Fixed a bug that application crash when rapidly zoom in *Fixed a bug that OSM overlay zoom level doesn't match with OpenStreetMap layer *Fixed a bug that application crash when the tile cache is enabled *Fixed a bug that application crash very quickly when use OpenStreetMapLayer if network condition is bad {{page>Map_Suite_Core_10.3_Features_Bug_Fixes_Change_Log}} =====Version 10.2.0===== Release date: 10/27/2017 ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Android Namespace: *Supported 3D rendering for buildings(Overlay level) *Fixed a bug that BingMapsOverlay tiles rendering is a bit shift in certain scenarios {{page>Map_Suite_Core_10.2_Features_Bug_Fixes_Change_Log}} =====Version 10.1.0===== Release date: 06/21/2017 ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Android Namespace: * Added MapResizeMode property for android map control support {{page>Map_Suite_Core_10.1_Features_Bug_Fixes_Change_Log}} =====Version 10.0.0===== Release date: 02/16/2017 Map Suite 10.0 New Features: * Core functionality supports multi-platforms on Windows, Linux and macOS. * Core APIs are shared across all Map Suite product line. * Map Suite Products are hosted on NuGet server instead of Map Suite Installer. * Simplify Map Suite License Strategy. * Split MapSuiteCore 9.0 assembly by functionality. It allows to import necessary assemblies to such projects. * Support various entries of adding reference of Map Suite products. E.g. Online/Offline NuGet package, original way of adding reference by assemblies. * BareBone NuGet Package for Map Suite products allows to create app with minimum size. * Standard NuGet Package for Map Suite products allows to transfer user's existing 9.0 projects to 10.0 easier. ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Android Namespace: * Fixed a bug that the MapView's scale is not limited by MinimumScale and MaximumScale. * Added rotation support for CompassMapTool. * Fixed a but that CompassMapTool is not loaded correctly. * Added custom font support for TextStyle. * Fixed WorldMapKit overlay Uri format issue. * Fixed a bug on dash style. * Fixed the hardcode "Format" parameter in WmsOverlay. * Fixed the bug that the BoundingBoxUnit nor TileMatrix cannot be changed on TileCache. * Fixed a bug that WmsRasterLayer cannot parse the xml capabilities. * Fixed an OutOfMemory issue for OpenStreetMapOverlay. * Fixed a bug that makes the app crashes occasionally for OpenStreetMapOverlay. * Fixed a bug that makes the app crashes occasionally for GoogleMapsOverlay. * Added loading font from external storage support for TextStyle. {{page>Map_Suite_Core_Features_Bug_Fixes_Change_Log}} \\ \\ ** The following was created before Map Suite 10. Map Suite 10 organized many classes into new namespaces and assemblies as well as had a few minor breaks in compatibility. The majority of previously built code should work without modification assuming the new namespaces are added. For guidance on upgrading your existing code check out this wiki article. http://wiki.thinkgeo.com/wiki/map_suite_10_upgrade_guide ** \\ \\ =====Version Release date: 06/24/2015 ThinkGeo.MapSuite.AndroidEdition Namespace: * Added expire interval to SqliteBitmapTileCache. * Added two events to allow user to load large raster for GdiPlusRasterLayer without OOM issue. * Added supports to allow user to switch tile size between 256 * 256 and 512 * 512. * Added more logic to filter Google unexpected result return from server. * Added FeatureSourceMarkerOverlay support. * Added MapBoxTileOverlay support. * Fixed a bug where the out of memory exception during drawing TileOverlays. * Fixed a bug where the map zooms in/out to an unexpected area. * Fixed a bug where the null reference of the Context object. ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Core Namespace: * Fixed a bug where there are something wrong with parsing the namespace of WMS capabilities file. * Fixed a bug where the EcwRasterLayer runs into memory leak exception. * Fixed a bug where the GetBoundingBoxCore method of MsSqlFeatureSource runs into exception. * Updated the unmanaged Proj4 dependency to the latest version 4.8. * Fixed a bug where ECW file path name is case-sensitive. * Added a new class of ScaleLinePrinterLayer to print scale lines. * Added new class of ScaleTextAdornmentLayer to Map Suite Core. * Added a new class of ScaleTextPrinterLayer to print scale text. * Fixed a bug where there are something wrong with initializing the omerc projection. * Fixed a bug where the Dispose method of UnmanagedProj4Projection runs into exception. * Fixed a bug where selecting LabelPrinterLayer runs into exception. * Fixed a bug where MrsidRasterLayer runs into memory leak problem. * Fixed a bug where the Jpeg2000RasterSource runs into memory leak issue. * Fixed a bug where it runs into exception when building the index of KmlLayer. * Fixed a bug that the deployed version of WebEddition, MvcEdition, SilverlightEdition and WmsEdition runs into “Unlicensed for runtime” . * Added new API for changing the color of Grid lines in ScaleBarAdormentLayer. * Fixed a bug where the WmtsLayer runs into exception, as the code of clearing the tile matrix is incorrect. * Added support of requesting tiles using UrlTemplate of resource URL in WmtsLayer. * Fixed a bug where reading Shapefile runs into exception if the decimal length of DBFColumn is bigger than 15. * Fixed a bug where the IsolineLayer runs into exception sometimes when IsolineType is ClosedAsPolygon. * Fixed a bug where the scales of tile matrix in WmtsLayer on server side are different from the ones on client side. * Fixed a bug where KmlLayer runs into exception when loading KML file with the encrypted dlls. * Enhancement OracleFeatureSource, only create one assembly instance. * Fixed a bug where the MagneticNorthLineStyle cannot be serialized. * Fixed a bug where the drawn tile images are mismatch each other when applying FileBitmapTileCache. * Added more projection support to WMTS besides the support of EPSG:3857 and EPSG:4326. * Fixed a bug where it returns incorrect class breaks if there is only one ClassBreak item in ClassBreakStyle. * Fixed a bug where the GridFeatureSource generates Gridfile with CurrentCulture but Read GridFile with InviriantCulture. * Fixed a bug where the scales of cached tiles are incorrect if OpenStreetMapLayer works with MultiThread mode. * Fixed a bug where it runs into exception when initializing the TileCache of OpenStreetMapLayer as null. * Fixed a bug where it runs into exception if the readed KML file includes the bool values. * Fixed a bug where the height of LegendAdormentLayer/LegendPrinterAdormentLayer is incorrect when the ResizeMode is Fixed. * Fixed a bug where there are something wrong with CodeGenerator. * Improved performance of drawing GraticuleAdornmentLayer. * Changed the default value of LegendContentResizeMode to Fixed. * Fixed bug that WMS don't parse response XML which describe error information. * Fixed bug GetWellKnownText for lineshape haven't been convert to Invariant Culture. * Remove toUpper for whereClause of MsSql2008FeatureLayer. * Fixed a bug where the ClientId and PrivateKey of GoogleMapsLayer doesn't work with SingleTile. * Improved the GeoCoderGenerator. * Added support of support custom spatial index name in mssqlfeaturelayer. * Fixed a bug where the request tile size is not equal to the size of map with SingleTile. * Fixed a bug where the method GetAllMapShape of KmlFeatureLayer runs into exception. * Improved the IsoLine result generated by removing the holes at the center of IsonLine. * Added the embedded TAB style support. * Fixed a bug where ProjectionFromSphericalMercator property doesn't work. * Added Attribution to all layers and Overlays. * Fxied a bug where the MagneticDeclinationAdornmentLayer runs into memory issue. * Added the new API SetWellKnownBinary(byte[] wkb) to Feature class to allow changing the WKB of the feature. * Improved the performance of method byte[] ShapeFile.ReadPolygon(byte[] dataBytes, int startIndex). * Removed the using JTS in Feature to Shape conversion(BaseShape.FromWellKnownBinary, BaseShape.CreateShapeFromWellKnownData). * Added enhancements to OpenStreetMapLayer and OpenStreetMapOverlay to make sure the exception can be thrown out. * Added Leader Lines. * Enhanced the Best Placement algorithm. * Added an Abbreviation Dictionary. For example, add "University" with "Univ" to the Abbreviation Dictionary and "University" will be abbreviated when displayed. * Added Max Nudging parameter to specify how far a label can be moved. * The unit for Drawing Margin is now pixels instead of percentage. * Geohashing APIs - Allows sorting of GeoFeatures for performance gains. Shapefiles of features that are in proximity are stored on the same section of the disk. * Standard color access for Geocolors, brushes, and pins has been streamlined. * New Projection API to find local UTM Zone for any feature. No longer need to look up UTM Zone manually. * Added ability to save and import style files from GIS Editor to Map Suite. * One-way road line style now available. * More filter conditions added for RegEx. It is now simpler to use. * Added R-Tree Indexing for KML feature layers. * Gave ability to modify well-known binary on a feature. Now possible to directly access and modify WKB. * Can now add column value data without defining it up front to Map Shapes and Edit Shapes. * Added Boundary Solution Parcel feature layer. * Created new APIs for accurate measurements regardless of projection. * Enhanced Tile Cache - new APIs allow expiration by size, date, etc. * Created Well Known Binary feature layer type for better performance, especially on Android and iOS. * New Printing APIs allow switching between page and world coordinates. * ScaleBar and ScaleLine - can set a text style to control the font and look.