ThinkGeo.MapSuite Namespace: * Added WkbFileFeatureLayer/WkbFeatureSource to support WKB file format. * Added opacity support to GeoImage. * Fixed a SQL statement case sensitive bug in MsSql2008FeatureSource. * Fixed a PrimaryOutline color bug in LineStyle. * Added WrapDateLine support for RasterLayer. * Fixed a serialization issue in MsSql2008FeatureSource. * Fixed a bug when creating mirror dbf file failed. * Fixed a customized projection bug for GoogleMapsOverlay. * Added a method GetFeaturesInsideBoundingBox to query features inside of bounding box with filters parameter. * Add mask support for PointStyles. * Added MaskMargin and MaskType support for PointStyle. * Added style sheets support. * Fixed a hardcode MapUnit issue for MapShapeLayer. * Added inner layers features support for CadFeatureLayer. * Fixed a bug when getting all features with external columns. * Added RotationAngle support for TextStyle. * Fixed a bug that CAD file renders failed. * Fixed an exception when getting bounding box in WmsRasterLayer. * Added CRS support to WMSRasterLayer. * Fixed a bug that the TextStyle is unavailable during drawing. * Fixed a memory leak bug in OracleFeatureSource caused by event binding. * Improved the preview map quality. * Fixed a bug that the GetFeaturesOutSideBoundingBox returns less results than expect. * Fixed an out of memory issue caused by WrapDateLine in RasterLayer. * Added MultiGeometry Columns support for OracleFeatureSource. * Upgraded the LibTiff.NET to 2.4.528 version. * Added GeometryCollectionShape support for TabFeatureLayer. * Added GetProjectionText support for GeoTiffRasterLayer on unmanaged library. * Added Pyramid tiled support for Tiff format. * Added embed WorldFile support for managed tiff raster source. * Added Geographic coordinates system support for Unmanaged GeoTiff. * Fixed the NullReferenceException bug when calling StreamLoading in KmlFeatureSource. * Fixed a bug when reading KmlFeatureLayer from local directory. * Optimized the union performance. * Fixed the black background and OutOfRangeException when opening a GeoTiff file. * Added WMSTileType to make the WMSLayer support Single Tile, in which it simply send one request to the server. * Fixed an exception caused by adding empty feature to InMemoryFeatureSource. * Fixed a bug that the OpenStreetMapLayer gets an unmatched level tiles. * Improved the drawing performance for GdiPlusGeoCanvas. * Improved the draw performance for ShapeFileFeatureLayer. * Added alpha channel support for projection wrapper. * Fixed a bug that GoogleMapsLayer can’t loading tiles from TileCache. * Fixed Projection OutOfMemoryException when the bounding box is too small. * Enhanced tab font drawing effect. * Enhanced ClusterPointStyle performance. * Fixed the incorrect color for TabFileFeatureLayer. * Fixed the symbol size issue for the TABFeatureClass.TABFCFontPoint. * Fixed scale bar ticks display incorrect with 3857 projection. * Fixed the "value was either too large or too small for character" exception. * Fixed the transparent pixel issue. * Added Add/Delete/Modify columns in InMemoryFeatureSource. * Added Language property into GoogleMapsLayer and GoogleMapsOverlay. * Fixed a bug that Simplify line shapes of GeometryCollectionShape class don't work. * Added ArcGIS ServerRestLayer support. * Added ManagedGeoTiff support. * Added ColorMappings to the layer. * Fixed a bug that WorldMapKitLayer exports pdf incorrectly with TileCache. * Added null handling to GetInvalidReason(). * Added IsGeometryValid property on BaseShape that returns the IsValid Property of the NTS Geometry. * Added GeoTiff palette tile mode image support. * Added Layer.Transparent, Layer.IsScale and Other properties supports for ColorMappings. * Added ScaleFactor support for RasterLayer. * Fixed URL parameters bug for ArcGISServerRestLayer. * Added different DPI support for MapPrinterLayer. * Fixed a bug that app crashes when the capability contains invalid bounding box. * Fixed a bug that tiles unmatch with other raster layers when using projection. * Added getting feature ids inside bounding box support for SqliteFeatureSource. * Enhancement shapefile performance to retain accuracy when creating very large shapefiles. * Fixed a bug that BingMapsLayer is unmatched with OpenLayers. * Fixed edge not match for multi raster layer if DPI not 96 for PDF and Printer. * Enhancement Graticule label, render Minutes when zoom in suitable level. * Added edit feature support for Grid source. * Fixed a style sheet classes bug for GeoCanvas. * Added image whoes RowNumberPerStrip equals to 0 support. * Fixed a request url issue for WmsRasterSource. * Fixed a culture issue for WmtsTiledOverlay.