ThinkGeo.MapSuite Namespace: * Added support of Skia as the drawing engine to improve the performance. * Added support of semantic cartography schema – StyleJSON to design the map. * Added support of vector tile based *.MbTiles format. * Added support of ThinkGeoCloudRasterMapsLayer * Added support of high resolution for PlatformGeoCanvas, it mainly works for iOS edition * Enhanced to support parse special node in capability XML contains two spaces for WMTSLayer, generally Oracle export this type XML * Enhanced to support "ScaleFactor" property, it shows the high resolution value, it mainly works for iOS edition * Enhanced to support drawing halo pen dasharray on SkiaGeoCanvas * Enhanced to support both meter and decimal degree for NauticalCharts * Enhanced to support use ThinkGeoCloudRasterMapsLayer in iOS and Android edition * Fixed a bug that print google map to pdf tile unmatch * Fixed a bug that BuildingAreaStyle don't works follow design * Fixed a bug that OSM Buildings Url need get updated * Fixed a bug that some geotiff files looks jump when pan on map after set projection * Fixed a bug that text style don't works for wrapping lines in certain scenario * Fixed a bug that wrong boundary limit for Proj4Projection in certain scenario * Fixed a bug that the width or height value maybe equal zero when calling ToScreenCoordinate for GeoTiff * Fixed a bug that projection cannot handle parameter correct in certain scenario * Fixed a bug that PlatformGeocanvas throw format exception in certain scenario * Fixed a bug that GetDrawingExtent function loss precision in certain scenario * Fixed a bug that MapType is invalid when initializing ThinkGeoCloudRasterMapsLayer * Fixed bugs that some geotiff files cannot load correct *