ThinkGeo.MapSuite Namespace: * Added new overloading method for DrawText in GeoCanvas class * Enhanced to get better performance for data drawing when shape file contains many inner rings in polygon * Enhanced to support Esri srid input for Proj4Projection * Enhanced to support Esri coordinate system when create table for FileGeoDatabase * Enhanced to use more accurate exception information and exception type * Fixed a bug map throw null reference exception in certain scenario * Fixed a bug the Sqlite R Tree calculate different result in Windows and Linux * Fixed a bug some special invalid saturation and luminance values for GeoColor can pass our validation * Fixed a bug vector data won't render all shapes if the width is too big * Fixed a bug XyzFileBitmapTileCache lose cache ID in certain scenario * Fixed a bug GettingTileCache event won't be fired in correct step * Fixed a bug the overlays don't match when print to PDF * Fixed a bug white line shows for WMTSlayer * Fixed a bug exception is thrown when met invalid tile in WMTSlayer * Fixed a bug failed to load dll in FileGeoDatabase for scenario * Fixed a bug ECW render distorted image in special zoomlevel * Fixed a bug GeoTiff image jump in certain scenario