ThinkGeo.MapSuite Namespace: *Supported more types of "DrawingGraphicsUnit" follow GDI+ graphics unit *Supported TileCache expire depend on last write time *Supported special point types for file GeoDatabase *Supported "GetFirstFeaturesWellKnownType" function for QueryTool *Supported more projections for example 102003 *Supported GRAY band and uint16 source data of JPEG2000 *Fixed a bug that generic GDI+ throws exception when disposing image *Fixed a bug that WrapDateline of GraticuleFeatureLayer doesn't work *Fixed a bug that Bingmapslayer rotation get incorrect result *Fixed a bug that map can't read the projection text from GeoTiff file *Fixed a bug that some tiles aren't rendered when tile type is Multiple for GeoTiff *Fixed a bug that unmanaged wrapper doesn't work correctly for GeoTiff *Fixed a bug that LegendAdormentLayer doesn't work in certain scenario *Fixed a bug that offset of point style doesn't work in certain scenario *Fixed a bug that layer rotation offset is incorrect in certain scenario *Fixed a bug that cache doesn't work for WorldStreetsAndImageryRasterLayer in certain scenario *Fixed a bug that CAD file load failed in certain scenario *Fixed a bug that TiledWms doesn't work if the capabilities contains "Post" node *Fixed a bug that GridFeatureSource render incorrectly if grid size less than 1 pixel *Fixed a bug that ScaleBarPrinterLayer render stretch *Fixed a bug that TiledWmsOverlay doesn't work if the sending request is incorrect *Fixed a bug that Tiff gets incorrect boundingbox *Fixed a bug that memory leak for raster layer on linux *Fixed a bug that JPEG2000 crash issue in certain scenario on linux *Fixed a bug that raster layer throws out of memory exception *Fixed a bug that crash caused by out of memory exception for CadFeatureLayer *Fixed a bug that memory leak for Ecw and JPEG2000 *Fixed a bug that draw pixelated image of JPEG2000 *Fixed a bug that JPEG2000 image displays blur after the image had been reprojected baed on the image edge *Fixed a bug that cache doesn't work for WMTS layer *Fixed a bug that WMTS layer doesn't show tile in certain scenario *Fixed a bug that WMTS layer can't find correct RowColumn limitation value *Fixed a bug that "GetServerCapabilitiesXml" get incorrect result for Wms layer, TiledWms layer or WMTS layer *Fixed a bug that TiledWMS layer throws exception when passed parameters is correct *Fixed a bug that WMS Client cannot deal with exception when WMS Server unavailable *Fixed a bug that WmsRasterLayer throws exception when load data *Fixed a bug that GeoFdoRasterSource throws exception when load data *Fixed a bug that GeoFdoRasterSource can't display data correct in certain scenario *Fixed a bug that NoaaWeatherStationStyle throws exception when feature's column value "DisplayPriority" is null or empty *Fixed a bug that NoaaWeatherStationFeatureLayer doesn't work in certain scenario *Fixed a bug that SpatialIndexName can't contain char "-" for MsSqlFeatureSource *Fixed a bug that transaction doesn't work for InMemoryFeatureLayer *Fixed a bug that MapPrinterLayer can't get serialized or deserlized *Fixed a bug that GeoTiffRasterLayer returns wrong projection description *Fixed a bug that PostgreSqlFeatureSource throws "Invalid data type" exception if parameter is null or string.Empty *Fixed a bug that the boundingbox of feature don't get updated after SetWellKnownBinary operation *Fixed a bug that the width option of line save incorrect value when convert MapShapes to KML *Fixed a bug that KmlLayer throw exception when convert MapShapes to KML *Fixed a bug that reproject get incorrect result in certain scenario