ThinkGeo.MapSuite Namespace: *Supported online OSM building data with the ability to cache locally *Supported 3D rendering for buildings *Supported USGS DEM data rendering with embedded styles *Supported more Interpolations (NearestNeighbor for example) for PlatformGeoCanvas *Supported KML projection from WGS84 to other projections *Supported different rendering orders (by Features or by ClassBreaks) for ClassBreakStyle *Supported different rendering orders (by Features or by ValueItems) for ValueStyle *Added "GetFeatureIds" API for all FeatureSources and FeatureLayers *Upgraded FdoRasterRasterLayer&FdoVectorFeatureLayer to use FDO 4.0 *Fixed a bug where Proj4Projection.CanReproject returns incorrectly in some classes *Fixed a bug where "ArgumentNullException" exception is thrown when GeoHatchBrush’s constructor is called in some scenarios *Fixed a bug where FileGeoDatabaseFeatureLayer cannot read its last polyline data correctly *Fixed a bug where "System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException was unhandled" exception is thrown when creating table by FileGeoDatabaseFeatureLayer *Fixed a bug where WmtsLayer crashed when the WMS server returns 404 error *Fixed a bug where GoogleMapsLayer draws incorrectly when using single tile mode in certain scenarios *Fixed a bug where the “GeoImage cannot be serialized” exception is thrown in some scenarios *Fixed a bug where InMemoryFeatureSource cannot get correct bounding box when building index in certain scenarios *Fixed a bug where "Object reference not set to a instance of an object." exception is thrown when Proj4Projection’s parameterless constructor is called *Fixed a bug where BingMapsLayer doesn't work on Android Edition in certain scenarios *Fixed a bug where TextStyle doesn't work in FileGeoDatabaseFeatureSource *Fixed a bug where GoogleMapsLayer draw an incorrect request image on Single Tile Mode *Fixed a bug where ClusterPointStyle throws "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" exception in certain scenarios *Fixed a bug where FileGdbApiWrapper returns features with incorrect column names *Fixed a bug where MapSuite Product Center can't popup in certain scenarios.