====== ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Layers.QueryType ====== * //N/A// == Remarks == * //N/A// == Items == **Disjoint** * **Summary**:The current shape and the targetShape have no points in common. **Intersects** * **Summary**:The current shape and the targetShape have at least one point in common. **Touches** * **Summary**:The current shape and the targetShape have at least one boundary point in common, but no interior points. **Crosses** * **Summary**:The current shape and the targetShape share some but not all interior points. **Within** * **Summary**:The current shape lies within the interior of the targetShape. **Contains** * **Summary**:The targetShape lies within the interior of the current shape. **Overlaps** * **Summary**:The current shape and the targetShape share some but not all points in common. **TopologicalEqual** * **Summary**:The current shape and the target Shape are topologically equal.