
{{:admin_name.png}} ==== Zoom Level Applied: 2~7 ==== The name representing country . ===== Columns ===== ==== geometry field ==== ''geometry'' type : point ==== name field ==== ^Field ^Description^ |''name'' |The name (or names) used locally for the place.| |''name_en''|English (if available, otherwise same as name)| |''name_zh''|Chinese (if available, otherwise same as name)| |''name_ar''|Arabic (if available, otherwise same as name)| |''name_de''|German name ''name_de'' if available, otherwise ''name'' or ''name_en''.| ==== class ==== The main field used for styling the admin_name is ''class''. ^Value ^Description^ |'' 'country' '' |the country name| |'' 'state' '' |the state name| ==== labelrank ==== ''labelrank'': As for '' 'country' '', the labelrank range from '' '0' ''(large) to '' '7' ''(small). For '' 'state' '', the labelrank range from '' '0' '' (large) to '' '10' '' , and '' '20' ''(small). ===== Data Download Source ===== ^Zoom Level ^Possible Values ^Data Download Source^ |1 |class=country |[[|ne_10m_admin_0_countries]](scalerank< =0)| |2 |class=country |[[|ne_10m_admin_0_countries]](scalerank< =2)| |3 |class=country,state |[[|ne_10m_admin_0_countries]](scalerank< =2) ne_states_provinces10m_point (scalerank< =2)| |4 |class=country,state |[[|ne_10m_admin_0_countries]](scalerank< =5) ne_states_provinces10m_point (scalerank< =2)| |5 |class=country,state |[[|ne_10m_admin_0_countries]] ne_states_provinces10m_point| |6~7 |class=state |ne_states_provinces10m_point|